The Basics - What is an electrocardiogram? And what is a normal cardiac cycle?
Learn about the graph paper on which the EKG is recorded and the electrodes used to capture electricity from the heart.
Learn how to calculate heart rate on an EKG — featuring various tips and tricks to help you calculate rate faster.
A review of normal cardiac conduction and an introduction to arrhythmias such as heart blocks and tachyarrhythmias.
Learn to determine the heart's axis on an EKG and how this correlates to a person's anatomy or pathology.
Atrial and ventricular hypertrophy can be visualized graphically on an EKG; learn how to recognize these features on EKG.
Learn about how infarctions and acute coronary syndromes appear on an EKG.
Students - An introduction into cardiac physiology and a step-by-step guide on how to read EKGs
Paramedics/EMTs - Learn to identify severe and life-threatening arrhythmias that you are likely to encounter in the field.
Doctors who are looking for a quick reference or a refresher course on the basics.
Nurses - Recognize the most common cardiac rhythms, whether on a cardiac monitor or twelve lead EKG.
Telemetry/Medical techs - Learn where to place electrodes and record an EKG.
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